
Fools for Christ - the latest book from our SG
But Jesus is not an easy person to understand or follow. He can easily confound your way of thinking. He certainly is not just the storyteller of the little children. On the contrary, his profundity is deeper than the deepest sea.

"Meet now the Jesus you have not met before. His thinking is probably contrary to yours. His values may radically overturn yours. But there is a way for you. It is to understand the foolishness of God."

Frank Padilla
Servant General/MFC

Are you ready?

Vade Ad Aurum - Go for Gold
You have stayed long enough at this mountain... Leave here and go to the hill country... Go now and possess the land.
  • 100 Missions
  • 50 States
  • 3 Years

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MFC Theme For 2024 - Unchanging God.
We must know the basics of our faith and defend them. But the foundation to be able to do this is to know that God does not change.The faith cannot be dependent on the culture of the age (from the Servant General). “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)